
Where is em dash on keyboard
Where is em dash on keyboard

#Where is em dash on keyboard mac#

To use an em dash on your Mac or PC, you'll need to use some quick keyboard shortcuts. It's not, however, found on most keyboards. The em dash is also stylistically beautiful, in both its visual appearance and diverse grammatical usage, making it many writers' favorite - especially poets (like me). If you can think it, the emdash can do it. The em dash can tie independent clauses together like a sailor's knot, represent interruptions in thought, and more. For example, on a US keyboard layout, the combination for an en dash should be Alt+Fn+mjim and for an em. em (dot em) in Microsoft Word, it will be replaced by an em dash, and. One of the easiest Methods to write an em dash is with keyboard shortcuts. (The Fn key is usually to the right of the. Select the AutoCorrect tab and add these keyboard shortcuts in the Replace and With fields: Replace. Moreover, these techniques are equally relevant for Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2020. We bring to your attention 5 Methods to choose from. On a Mac, press Option+Shift+dash (-) to insert an em dash. More and more people are using Chromebooks.

where is em dash on keyboard

Find the em dash and click to insert in your text. If you're among the uninitiated and have no idea what I'm talking about: the em dash (the - symbol here) might just be the most superior punctuation mark there is. In most cases, the need to enter a dash in the text arises in this text editor. When you click on that, you’ll see all the punctuation symbols. Ah, the em dash - a punctuation mark so spectacular, the entire keyboard wasn't enough to contain its glory. I'll admit it - I'm nerdy enough to have opinions about grammar, especially about the em dash. One use case for em dashes is as a substitute for commas. In fact, it might the most versatile punctuation mark there is. The em dash can be made in Microsoft Word by pressing CTRL + ALT + the minus sign.

where is em dash on keyboard

The em dash is made on most PCs by holding down the ALT key while typing 0151 on the keypad ( ). The em dash is about the same width as the letter 'M'. On a Mac, you simply need to use the Option, Shift, and Minus keys. The Em Dash () Em dashes get their name from typography: Possessing the same width as the letter m, em dashes are a versatile punctuation mark with a variety of uses. The em dash is the longest of the three dashes and lines in the English language.On a PC, you can use an Emoji keyboard or type the "Alt Code," Alt + 0151.The em dash keyboard shortcut differs depending on if you're using a Mac or PC.

Where is em dash on keyboard